What to Expect: IEP-Individual Education Plan Development

An Individual Education Plan is a blueprint document of your child’s learning preferences, strengths and areas of challenge. It helps guide your child's teacher instruction. This may include accommodating or modifying your child’s learning expectations and it lists teaching strategies to improve learning outcomes. Developing an IEP can be cumbersome as it includes explicit details which require a deep understanding of your child's learning profile. Our service offers assistance in crafting an Individual Education Plan that tailors a learning path best suited for your child’s school experience, setting them up on a path to succeed. To understand how your child learns best, we offer reading and math assessments, a meeting with the school resource team and review any reports and previous assessments your child has completed. 

Literacy/Math Assessments

As students practice their literacy and math skills, they improve, change and grow. Assessments can help guide and determine the appropriate level in which your child should be taught.

  • Performing regular assessments to determine strengths and areas of difficulty ensures that students are progressing forward with some challenge but without frustration.
  • Our services offer math, reading and comprehension assessments to help establish skill levels and discover areas that can be improved upon.
Special Education Advocacy-IEP Development and Assessments in Math and Literacy

Often students with Exceptionalities (learning disabilities, ADHD, ASD and giftedness) are eligible for Exceptional Student Education (ESE) services at school. An IEP (Individual Education Plan) is a document that outlines your child’s learning strengths, challenges and strategies to support their learning experience. Creating an effective IEP involves time, a deep understanding of your child’s learning preferences, what they know, want to know and need to know. The goal of this document is to set students up for success. We facilitate this process by being your child's advocate by:

Preparing parents for what to expect during an IEP meeting
Attending the school IEP meeting
Assisting in the drafting of an IEP
Communicating with school resources and teachers to better understand student’s strengths and challenges
Performing Math and Literacy assessments to better understand your child’s level
Reviewing and explaining past assessments and reports

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