What to Expect

Each 30-60 minute learning session is tailored to your child’s unique learning needs and goals. One-on-one individualized support can assist greatly with getting started and completing homework, preparing for tests, and assisting with assignments, scribing and essay writing. Many times, students benefit from having a tutor, who is also a teacher to guide where to begin and navigate a plan to tackle challenging homework. Through care, encouragement, support and feedback, students can complete homework successfully, while enjoying the process of learning and feeling confident in their completed tasks.

How it Works

1. Discovery Meeting  

  • an opportunity for students and parents/guardians to tour our location 
  • review any prior learning assessments, report cards and Individual Education Plans
  • discuss expectations and goals and map out a plan for success according to your child’s interests, learning preferences and abilities

2. Session 1

We will assist with homework, assignments or test preparation depending on your goals for your child's learning sessions.

3. Continued Sessions 

30-60 minute learning sessions will take place at one of the four areas at our location, depending on the learning goal for that particular session.

4. Feedback 

After each learning session, parents/guardians will be emailed feedback, if they would like, summarizing our learning time together and an update on your child’s progress. This can be helpful when communicating with your child’s teacher.

What is Included

  • First session-Discovery Session: complimentary
  • Lesson materials
  • Lesson preparation
  • 30-60 minutes of instruction or support
  • Feedback email to parents/guardians after each session

Homework Support

Helping your own child with homework, studying and assignments can be challenging for many parents. Even though parents are their child’s best educator, sometimes it is more effective to have a knowledgable and caring third party, removed from the home environment, to connect and support this process.

Homework support
Test preparation
Assignment assistance
Essay writing

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